Presidents Leadership Class (PLC) Scholarship
The Presidents Leadership Class (PLC) is a four-year program and scholarship for entering freshmen or rising sophomores with a strong academic record, leadership initiative, depth of commitment to their interests, and a desire to better their community. PLC is a prestigious leadership development program for students from any college or major. PLC prepares students for the challenges of our rapidly changing world by cultivating academic and professional excellence, critical thinking, creative problem-solving, ethical reasoning, thoughtful implementation, and community impact.
Upon acceptance, scholars earn a one-year, $1000 scholarship. This scholarship is not renewable and is only guaranteed for the first year.
Applicants for the PLC program will automatically be considered for the Ruyle Family Scholarship, as well.
- Award
- $1,000.00
- Schools, Colleges, Departments
- Presidents Leadership Class
- Deadline
- 02/15/2025
- Supplemental Questions
- How did you hear about the Presidents Leadership Class at CU Boulder?
¿Cómo se enteró de la existencia de la Clase Presidencial de Liderazgo en CU Boulder?
- Please provide one recommendation (from a current instructor, teacher, professor, coach, supervisor, mentor, director, etc.) by entering their full name and email address.
Por favor, proporcione una recomendación (de un instructor actual, maestro, profesor, entrenador, supervisor, mentor, director, etc.) introduciendo su nombre completo y dirección de correo electrónico.
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Choose one of the ethical dilemmas below on which to base your essay. Decide what the person should do in the dilemma and explain your thought process in coming up with your decision, including stating which of your personal values were at conflict during your decision-making, and why you chose to prioritize one value over the other.
Elija uno de los siguientes dilemas éticos para basar su ensayo. Decide qué debe hacer la persona en el dilema y explica tu proceso de pensamiento para llegar a esa decisión, incluyendo qué valores personales estaban en conflicto durante la toma de decisiones y por qué elegiste dar prioridad a uno sobre el otro.
Ethical Dilemma #1 Sarah has worked for a prestigious technology company for the past 5 years. Recently, she was offered her dream job at a fast-growing startup, where she would lead an innovative project with significant potential for career advancement. This new role promises a significant increase in salary, stock options, and the opportunity to become an executive within a few years. It's a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity that matches her passion for cutting-edge technology and her dream career right out of college. At the same time, however, Sarah's father has been diagnosed with early-onset Alzheimer's disease. Her family, especially her younger brother, relies heavily on Sarah, who still lives at home, to help care for her father. While her father is still largely independent, his condition is expected to worsen over time, requiring more of Sarah's time and attention. Staying with her current company would allow Sarah to continue working remotely with flexible hours, making it easier for her to manage her family responsibilities.
What should Sarah do?
Sarah ha trabajado para una prestigiosa empresa tecnológica durante los últimos cinco años. Hace poco le ofrecieron el trabajo de sus sueños en una empresa emergente de rápido crecimiento, donde dirigiría un proyecto innovador con un gran potencial de desarrollo profesional. Este nuevo puesto promete un importante aumento de sueldo, opciones sobre acciones y la oportunidad de convertirse en ejecutivo en pocos años. Es una oportunidad única en la vida que encaja con su pasión por la tecnología punta y su carrera soñada nada más salir de la universidad. Sin embargo, al mismo tiempo, al padre de Sarah le diagnostican Alzheimer en fase inicial. Su familia, y en especial su hermano pequeño, dependen en gran medida de Sarah, que sigue viviendo en casa, para que ayude a cuidar de su padre. Aunque su padre sigue siendo bastante independiente, se prevé que su estado empeore con el tiempo, lo que requerirá más tiempo y atención por parte de Sarah. Permanecer en su empresa actual le permitiría seguir trabajando a distancia con un horario flexible, lo que le facilitaría la gestión de sus responsabilidades familiares.
¿Qué debe hacer Sarah?
Ethical Dilemma #2 Jake is a sophomore studying engineering at a prestigious university on a full scholarship. He has always valued hard work and integrity, especially in his academic life. In fact, he sits on the Academic Integrity Board, which hears cases of academic and honor code violations. He takes his job seriously and considers it a privilege. He's also part of a close-knit engineering study group, and over the past year he's developed a strong friendship with one of the group members, Mike. Mike has become his confidant and best friend. In fact, Jake trusts Mike so much that he's told him secrets he's never told anyone else. Mike has always been there for Jake, and Jake has always been there for Mike. As finals approach, the pressure is on. One night, Jake and Mike have an intimate conversation as best friends. Mike reveals that if he does not ace the engineering math final, he will fail the course. Jake didn't know that his best friend was in academic trouble. Mike goes further and tells Jake that he has somehow obtained the answers to their upcoming math final. Mike, stressed and desperate to pass, asks Jake to keep this a secret. If anyone finds out, Mike risks losing his scholarship if he fails the exam, which would force him to drop out of school and get him in trouble with his parents. On the other hand, if someone finds out that Jake knows this information and doesn't report it to the Academic Integrity Committee, he will also lose his scholarship.
What should Jake do?
Jake estudia ingeniería en una prestigiosa universidad con una beca completa. Siempre ha valorado el trabajo duro y la integridad, especialmente en su vida académica. De hecho, forma parte de la Junta de Integridad Académica, que se ocupa de los casos de infracción del código académico y de honor. Se toma su trabajo muy en serio y lo considera un privilegio. También forma parte de un grupo de estudio de ingeniería muy unido, y en el último año ha desarrollado una fuerte amistad con uno de los miembros del grupo, Mike. Mike se ha convertido en su confidente y mejor amigo. De hecho, Jake confía tanto en Mike que le ha contado secretos que nunca había compartido con nadie más. Mike siempre ha estado ahí para Jake y Jake siempre ha estado ahí para Mike. A medida que se acercan los finales, la presión aumenta. Una noche, Jake y Mike tienen una conversación íntima como mejores amigos. Mike le revela que, si no aprueba el examen final de matemáticas de ingeniería, suspenderá la asignatura. Jake no sabía que su mejor amigo tenía problemas académicos. Mike va más allá y le dice a Jake que de alguna manera ha obtenido las respuestas del próximo examen final de matemáticas. Mike, estresado y desesperado por aprobar, le pide a Jake que guarde el secreto. Si alguien lo descubre, Mike se arriesga a perder su beca si suspende el examen, lo que le obligaría a abandonar los estudios y le metería en problemas con sus padres. Por otro lado, si alguien descubre que Jake conoce esta información y no lo comunica al Comité de Integridad Académica, también perderá su beca.
¿Qué debe hacer Jake?
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What do you think are the biggest pitfalls for leaders today? Use an example you've observed in real life to summarize your answer. What strategies and solutions would you suggest to address the leader's shortcomings?
¿Cuáles crees que son los mayores escollos para los líderes de hoy? Utiliza un ejemplo que hayas observado en la vida real para resumir tu respuesta. ¿Qué estrategias y soluciones sugerirías para abordar las deficiencias del líder?
- We want you to share a special accomplishment that you are very proud of. Examples include a dance performance, an instrumental recital, a debate, a speech, a piece of art you have created, a photograph, etc. This does not include lengthy written pieces (research papers, theses, etc.) However, written pieces including short papers, poems, plays, musical compositions, etc. are welcome.
Queremos que compartas un logro especial del que te sientas muy orgulloso. Por ejemplo, una actuación de danza, un recital instrumental, un debate, un discurso, una obra de arte que hayas creado, una fotografía, etc. No se aceptan trabajos escritos extensos (trabajos de investigación, tesis, etc.). Sin embargo, son bienvenidos los trabajos escritos que incluyan textos cortos, poemas, obras de teatro, composiciones musicales, etc.
- (Optional Question) What about who you are and where you come from has contributed to your developed leadership potential, and how do these factors shape your vision for leading others? (optional question)
(Pregunta Opcional)¿Qué aspectos de quién eres y de dónde vienes han contribuido a desarrollar tu potencial de liderazgo, y cómo configuran estos factores tu visión para liderar a los demás? (pregunta opcional)
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- How did you hear about the Presidents Leadership Class at CU Boulder?