Internship or Language Study Grant in the Benson Center for the Study of Western Civilization

The Internship or Language Study Grant is awarded to undergraduate or graduate students at CU Boulder by the Benson Center for the Study of Western Civilization. The Internship Grant is intended to help subsidize a summer internship, paid or unpaid, that relates to the Center’s mission, including law, government, public policy, and education. For example, internships can be based in our nation’s capital, government offices, think tanks, political organizations, or nonprofit organizations. The Language Grant is intended to support students studying languages associated with Western Civilization. When possible, students are expected to enroll in a CU Boulder summer class, although other arrangements are possible when the required classes are not available. Students who wish to apply for a grant should communicate with the person providing a recommendation prior to submitting the application about their educational goals and the type of grant (Internship or Language) they will be pursuing.

Schools, Colleges, Departments
College of Arts & Sciences
Supplemental Questions
  1. Which type of grant (internship or language study grant) are you seeking, what is your plan of study, and how does your proposal relate to the mission of the Benson Center? Please answer in 1,000 words.
  2. Please provide the name and email address of a faculty member to submit a letter of reference on your behalf.
  3. Please upload an unofficial copy of your academic transcript.