Writing Abroad Scholarship in the Program for Writing and Rhetoric (PWR)

The Writing Abroad Scholarship in the Program for Writing and Rhetoric (PWR), with support of the Calderwood Foundation, is available to students who meet the following criteria:

  • Current undergraduate with a declared major in the College of Arts and Sciences
  • Demonstrated financial need as determined by the FASFA/CASFA.
  • Travelling for the first time outside of North America.
  • Have been accepted into the Global Seminar.
  • Interested in enrolling in PWR’s study abroad course, WRTG 3020 during the summer session
  • Complete the CU Boulder General Scholarship. Application.
  • Complete this scholarship application by the deadline.

In addition to completing the CU Boulder Scholarship Application, students must complete the study abroad application for WRTG 3020 and be accepted into the program.

Varies (covers study abroad fees in excess of regular tuition and fees)
Schools, Colleges, Departments
College of Arts & Sciences, Program for Writing and Rhetoric
Supplemental Questions
  1. Have you or are you planning to enroll in PWR's study abroad course, WRTG 3020, for the summer session?
  2. Have you ever traveled outside of North America?