Norlin Rising Junior Scholars (for second-year college students)

The Norlin Scholars Rising Juniors Program is for creative and curious students from all majors interested in developing their whole selves in a supportive learning community. Ideal applicants are interested in self-reflection and growth through integrative learning and collaboration. They’ll have an interest in the ways multidisciplinary work informs problem-solving as well as a desire to apply their learning toward the betterment of humanity. The two-year scholarship is open to students who will be in their third year of college with at least junior standing in the upcoming academic year (includes CU students or transfers). The application opens on November 1.

Schools, Colleges, Departments
Norlin Scholars
Supplemental Questions
  1. How many semesters of college will you have completed by the start of next fall?
  2. The Norlin Scholars community provides much more than a financial award and we’d like to know how this community speaks to you. Before you answer these questions, please look in depth at the Norlin pages of our website. As you answer, avoid directly quoting from the site and provide plenty of concrete details from your experience. We should be reading anecdotes about you and your experiences, not just well-written general claims. Show us your authentic self and voice. Please note: In our review process, we will read your whole scholarship application; therefore, avoid repeating or cutting and pasting answers.
    • 1) Two of the values of Undergraduate Enrichment Programs are connection and cooperation. Give some specific examples of collaborations you’ve worked on.. What made them successful or not? What did you learn, either way? How did the experience change how you work with others now? (500 word limit)
    • 2) Another of our essential values is promoting balance. Tell us about some strategies you use to balance your education, work, social life and self-care, and how they serve you. (300 word limit)